On the paypal TUT for flask, I copy/pasted all the provided code. When I process a payment using paypal sandbox, I get redirected to success.html as expected, however, when i check my DB, it's saying the set is empty. Any input on why it might not be entering th DB?
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Have you checked /tmp/ipnout.txt? That will likely have some more useful info for you.
-Harrison 8 years ago
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I can't even find this .txt file on my computer. Something else must be wrong...let me stare at it for a while.
-cdowney102@gmail.com 8 years ago
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If you're following the tutorial: https://pythonprogramming.net/paypal-flask-tutorial/
We're sending it to /tmp/ipnout.txt (which assumes Linux/Mac, you would use a different path on a windows machine/server)
-Harrison 8 years ago
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I'm on a macbook pro. I threw some print statements in and it looks like i'm having an issue with notify_url..? it's not even rendering (or notifying) me on that URL....any debugging tips for that?
--[edit] the ipn function isn't even being called for me after a purchase is made.
-cdowney102@gmail.com 8 years ago
Last edited 8 years ago
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Right, so the notify_url is part of the form that you're sending into paypal, which should have YOURWEBSITE/ipn/ as the path.
-Harrison 8 years ago
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definitely. I've copy/pasted this url to ensure it's correct ( and still nothing
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I'm reading now that it should be impossible to process the ipn on local host. But now I am wondering why you were able to do it then...
-cdowney102@gmail.com 8 years ago
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Right, you wouldn't be able to use like you're trying to. The whole reason it works is you send data to PayPal, and then PayPal sends it back to you in a sort of "confirmation" of "this is what you sent us, is that right?" So, you need to do this on a web server.
I didn't do it on localhost, so that's why I didn't have this problem.
-Harrison 8 years ago
Last edited 8 years ago
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